Our age classification for our OST. (Georgia, Sam and Chris) We encountered a problem with what class our film should fit into.
18 class This includes Very strong violence – defined as having violence portrayed with strong detail, which dwells on the violent act. There is also strong language which is having strong terms such as “F**K” which could be used offensively or directly.
15 class This includes strong violence as well as frequent strong language, “strong violence” is defined as it should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury, however, and the strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable, easily accessible weapons should also not be glamorised. The language should also can have frequent swear words but cannot have frequent bad swear words such as “C**T”.
Within our OST we’re not planning on having a huge amount of swearing the occasional “F**K” will be sufficient, however what we were more concerned about was the violence. Our character will be shot in the head with frequent shots of the injury, the wound will be detailed with gory imagery, however the weapon will not be shown and the scene will only last for about a minute.
We do have the storyboard finished and available to show the class for clearer understanding and interpretation.
Feedback We found from our class discussion video that most felt that our OST should be a 15, the reasons for this is because we do not dwell on the serious injury as well as not actually having the murder weapon in the film, also there are limited uses of bad language.
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